Fester Jelliamus — Senior Admiral; Grork and Schlogg host Mismy Ssyymon.Independent Schlogg:Messmor Schmergel — Senior Admiral.Fessmor Scheffel — Senior Admiral.Ordreg:Greffecht Leptomor — Warlord.Karvosk Nordreg — Senior General.Lachtmort Vomet — Senior Admiral.Dhoom:Slyming Griley — Senior Admiral.Wymon Leptovar — Senior General.Ghouls:Grylish Yemenesh — Senior Admiral.Gen. Namenal Kabilaqua — Senior General.Accompanied by a series of aides from intelligence, fleets and armies.The chairman, Yemsor Jeloos; Pericles of the Grork mounted on his host rose at the table and spoke telepathically.“I would like to welcome all of you to this assembly of our supreme war counsel. There are two major items and several sub-items on our agenda for us to agree upon and take action.“First, the Parzool need our consideration. Those reptilian monsters and their Queen Lynas Parayekt and her father before them have long been a festering abscess in this galaxy that needs to be expunged.“Secondly the Una. She is working because to divert and indulge herself. With this I understood that she is starved for long suddenly I grabbed her waist and said even after two kids and frequent invasions on her body by many dogs she is maintaining nice shapely figure. She got surprised and later came back to her senses and said yes its natural and she said “u can also my boobs amazing which can make young guys like you feel like pressing, playing, biting etc.” my jaws dropped to floor and I was like shocked hearing such words so boldly coming out of her mouth. Now the chat grew further erotic and I said,” in that case I should also check your boobs and also the tightness of your cunt etc.” with that she said she will show not only those but also many more things but first give an assurance that she is selected.I went inside brought 1000 rupees and kept it in her blouse pulling her bra which showed her boobs partially and asked whether the assurance is enough? She nodded yes and said let me also give.
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